Hmmm... banyak sih yg mw dipost setelah gw jadi penjaga warnet di sini. (baca postingan sebelumnya)
Sayangnya otak gw gak connected banget bwt nulis smw n jd pjg. So, ini aja deh yg mw gw share.
Dipaksa promo ini ama temen. Gak tahu juga kenapa. Bayar royalti lo promo di blog gw, min!!!! En promo radio ini. Baru tahu hari ini sih dari blog bena. Baru denger dikit enak juga kayaknya. Katanya sih pake dosen" apa gtu gak ngerti deh gw. Check ajahhhh....
High School MusicalMusti Dicekal
Dan gw baru menemukan website ini. SMA gw dulu tuh. Kenapa poto" ex-skul gw yg diambil yg bagus" aja?? Yg bagian anak" ngerokok di pojok lantai 3 gak diambil tuh??
Trus dinding retak nyaris bolong di ruang guru juga gak ikut dipoto??
Guru cowok yg hobi grepe" anak muridnya (baik cewek maupun cowo) mana???
Ehehehehehe.... piss ah ibu-bapak guruku. (pasti besok dah pada bawa clurit ke rumah gw, ya setidaknya gergaji mesin otomatis lah)
Chat gw dengan Dani (bukan ex-husbandnya Maia, ya)
evan howles: gw kerja di warnet sekarang
dhannypratama: ooww sabtu libur kerja ga cho?
evan howles: blm dpt jadwal libur
evan howles: kenapa??
dhannypratama: kapan u liburnya,,
evan howles: masih kerja tiap hari
dhannypratama: ooo mang ga gantian ya
evan howles: ga ada yg gantiin, gw doang yg jagain, kadang big boss dateng. knapa nanyain kpn gw libur??
dhannypratama: gw malah pengen nawarin lu kerjaan, haha
evan howles: kerjaan apaan??
dhannypratama: bisnis pribadi
evan howles: plus2??(dgn polosnya bisnis itu yg terpikir di otak gw yg mungil ini)
dhannypratama: bukan dodol lu
evan howles: trus ap??
dhannypratama: wahaha makanya gw nanya u libur kapan
evan howles: ntar deh kalo gw dah dpt jdwal libur gw kasih tahu. bisnis apaan?? mencurigakan nih?? jgn2 gw mw dijual ya?? (dalam fantasi gw membayangkan Dani dgnTEGANYA menjual gw ke tante2 girang, atw paling parah ya ke om2 garang)
dhannypratama: parah halal ko sapa yang mau beli juga kalo lo dijual??
evan howles: najis looooo(ngikutin gaya titi kamal)kerjaan apaan sih?? jd makin mencurigakan nih
dhannypratama: jadi financial consultant di prudential
dhannypratama: tau ga u
evan howles: jiaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh,,,,,,ASUransi ke orang2 gtu??
evan howles: udah pernah gw ditawarin ama cewek yg kenalan di patas waktu gw ke jakarta
dhannypratama: di mana? prudential?
evan howles: iye
dhannypratama: kenapa ga ikut
evan howles: ga cocok kata bokap en nyokap gw byk ruginya
dhannypratama: kalo prudential masarinnya mah gampang
dhannypratama: gw sekeluarga bisnis pru kali (gw mengalami shock akut stadium 4 pas baca tulisan ini)gw juga uda bisa dapet duit sendiri
Selanjutnya sudah dapat diduga lah. Dani-temen SMA gw-mati"an mencoba menghasut gw dgn segala cara yg dia tahu. Namun karena aku mempunyai kekuatan bulan yg dipinjamkan Usagi, aku berhasil menghalaunya.
Ciaaatttt!!! Dengan kekuatan DATANG BULAN akan menghukummu, Dani!!!!
*ngebayangin gw pake kostum Sailormoon dgn gaya Usagi*
malah ini yg muncul di otak gw : NAJISSSS LOOO!!!!(lagi" mbak titi kamal)
Let's say nama boss gw itu pak Totok, panggil saja Mr. T (emang itu sih namanya). Kita chating"an kemarin malam membahas cara memasang webcam n headset di kompi2 client.
Di tengah pembahasan, hal ini yg muncul.
Yanto : Y (bos gw) Gw : G
Y : Kamu tahu gak ko??
G : (kirain masih ngomongin masalah knapa cam-nya gak mw nyala). Iya pak??
Y : Kamu tahu gak kenapa kamu gatel???
(busssyyyyyyeettttt........ boss gw sendiri bilang gw GATEL. From G to the A to the T to the E end with L???? Gw disebut COWOK GATEL oleh BOZZ GW SENDIRI????)
G : (pura" polos lugu tak berdaya) hah?? apa pak??
Y : Iya, kamu tahu gak kenapa kamu gatel?? Mungkin karna kamu belum mandi. Hehehe.
Ternyata boss gw ngomongin ttg status YM gw yg seperti ini:
PAAAANAAASSSS mana GATEEELLLLL lagi, nih baju kenapa sih????
Yah, pak. Fokus dulu kali ke urusan cam ama headsetnya.......
N akhirnya balik lg ke topik cam-headset setelah obrolan GAK PENTINGitu.
Sebenarnya gw dah gak niat n males bgt bwt kuliah, tp bos gw terus memotivasi gw. Katanya: KAMU HARUS PUNYA TARGET TAHUN DEPAN HARUS KULIAH.
Oke. Tempat kuliah?? Sudah diincar. Masalahnya gw masih bingung ama jurusan.
Ini beberapa kemungkinan yg gw inginkan. Pengen :
- Gw masuk jur psikologi biar bs knal karakter orang lebih jauh. Bisa jadi psikolog or whatever
- Masuk jur yg berbau IT (secara gw sebenarnya doyan banget ama yg namanya kompi n inet)
- Sastra : Yah, karna gw mw jadi penulis, gak ada salahnya juga sih masuk jur ini
Dan di tengah" kul, mungkin gw bisa latihan baseball?? Dari dulu pgn nyoba deh permainan baseball itu kayak gmana.
Plus pgn latihan vokal biar suara gw gak jelek2 amat (ya, kalo mujur gw bikin album deh kayak si Afgan. Ntar beli yawh!!!)
Trus di tengah kul, gw bikin" novel lagi deh sekalian ngeramalin orang. Ada yg bilang sih gw pny kemampuan cenayang tapi gak sering diasah, jadi energinya dikit.
N gw percaya?? Half to half .
Di suatu pagi komeng datang meminta di-copy-kan data dr inet ke CD nya.
yanto_may hadi: ko coba ajarin komeng chatting (komeng sering main warnet ini)
yanto_may hadi: kayaknya dia belum bisa deh
evan howles: mmmmm....
evan howles: duh....
yanto_may hadi: napa ko?
evan howles: (tadinya mw jawab: ambeien, pak)yg dia minta di copy ternyata
A philosophy says "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)," is what we will prove .... whether honesty concept we can use to generate traffic and more intense popularity beyond the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert ..?... I believe we will achieve that goal if this concept is running properly ..., and if this concept is applying in your web according to the rules, by then:
-Your Web will be swamped with huge traffic visitors day by day, without fuss or tired of the SEO campaign to a lot of web in the internet world.
-Your Web will be flooded huge backlink day by day, without fuss hunt link to a lot of web in the internet world.
If Albert Einstein use the equation E = mc2 to combine mass potential and speed of light to create extreme nuclear energy , then we will use equation = V1 + V2 to combine my web potential and your web potential to generate extreme web traffic and popularity also .
If Einstein use atom plutonium and uranium to make nuclear bombs, then we use the Honesty and accuracy to make a bomb of this traffic and popularity concept.
What do you need to do is follow these steps:
1. Create a post articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post from Copy start here until Copy Finish, and also be entitled: t = V1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally.
2. Copy or make the next powerful sentence existing under the number 3 plug at this website on your part to section that most easily seen by visitor, for example at the top of the sidebar
3. Move or change a link or the url address post (here-1) with your url address, and (here-2) with my URL address post,to find out url address of the post that I make and that you make is to click the title / post title than we make this copy of the address bar.
The more authentic information about you know, the more likely people are to consider you a expert. Read on for even more facts that you can share.
Next is the post of "powerful sentence" you need to install in your web part (after the change in the url link to its corresponding provisions of the above)
"Want to increase visitor traffic and your web popularity quickly and unlimited ...? Let me ..., I'll do it for you FREE ...!.. Click here-1 and here-2
-So after the powerful sentence is put on the your web then : if a visitor click the link here-1 he will directly to your link post, and if he click here-2 will directly link to my post ... and this is just keep going unbreakable chain link.
4. Finish, prepare tracker counter and link checker for example sitemeter and Technorati to see a flood of traffic and your web backlink
What is t = V1 + t2 ...?
t: Number of traffic that will be you get on your web in a day
V1: The number of visitors to your web in a day
v2: Number of visitors of the V1 (a visitor from your web visitors) in a day.
For example, my web or your website in one day have an average of 50 visitors .., and all of this we apply the concept (powerful sentences) correctly, and that 50 people from each of 50 people also have visitors from his blog , then the web we will visit in a 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550, and will also likely continue to increase day by day, because every day there are always new visitors in the internet world, each day also have a new blogger, or web internet in the world ... PROVE IT!
For example, our web visitors have 50 people in a day, and everyone implement this concept, then in the web that day you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link on Powerful sentence and a link on the link in my multiply 50. and will likely continue to increase day by day ....
Why the need to create links and link your link on my post ...?
... this is to maintain our link eternity, because as we get more links in the post less likely erased ....
Can we do not fair or not fair sabotage this concept, for example, "remove all links of origin" and fill in the web / blogs we own ...? .... Yes, and this concept will not prove to be a maximum of Honesty is a strategy / political answer ..... But I believe that we all want to throw themselves credibility by making such action cheap ...
hahahaha,, ech salam yah buat mr.T,,, thu ngebut bgd bikin anak,,,hahahahahahm,,,,,SSSttttttttttttttttjgn omong omong yah ma pak bos kmuh,,,hahahahahahaha
pertama... panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget deh postinganya.. ketauan deh nulisnya mulai pagi sampe jam 10 malem (pulangnya dr warnet)
hahah sesama penjaga warnet, emang kelakuan client emang aneh2.. untung di tempat gw masih normal--normal itu minta tolong didonlotin video panas, ARGH!!--
haha....kekautan datang bulan...nagcoo..
gokil, ngalir.ngidul..
eh, btw, yg bikin show spolier itu gmn?...kasih tau
Yup !
@awan : aku ini SAILOR ZZZ lho. Cara spoiler ada di blog nindy
iya mau tau juga dong cara spoiler..
btw postnya panjang bet men..
cape juga bacanya hehehe..
wah mantep spoilernya. ilmu gw belum sampe disitu tuh..
oya blog loe kan udah lama gw link..
dibagian bawah.. namanya "copy cat" sesuai ama dengan header loe.. udah lama perasaan gw ngelinknya..
@ aditmen en nugraha : ada di blog nindy sih, tp ntar post berikutnya gw jelasin deh
spoiler ke dua ama ke tiga nya gak bisa dibuka
cingot cowok gatell ih.. ternyata... kwkwkwk
hu uh....ternyata cingot cwo gatel yah????huhuhu
hmmm....warnet macam apakah itu,,qo yg jaga cuma atu????hehehe
@sippa : masa sih??
Ninit: iya nih. kirain bos bisa nebak karakter cingot yg terdalam
arinz: huhu..aku emang jadi cowok gatel hari itu. warnet plus2. plus webcam plus headset jg sih
haduh haduh...,,,panjang bener bi postingnya,,,,,
kereta aja kalah,,,
ech salam yah buat mr.T,,,
thu ngebut bgd bikin anak,,,hahahahahahm,,,,,SSSttttttttttttttttjgn omong omong yah ma pak bos kmuh,,,hahahahahahaha
panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget deh postinganya.. ketauan deh nulisnya mulai pagi sampe jam 10 malem (pulangnya dr warnet)
hahah sesama penjaga warnet, emang kelakuan client emang aneh2.. untung di tempat gw masih normal--normal itu minta tolong didonlotin video panas, ARGH!!--
inuel : ini malah versi pendeknya lho!! YANG PENDEKNYA LHO!!!!
aku bilangin ah inuel ngomong gtu
vachzar : ihihih.....sebenrnya dr jam 9 ampe jam 5 sore sih nulis ampe diedit2 ampe publish en siap dipromo
YEEESSS!!!! postingan gw ngalahin kereta api bo!!!
hmmm...gatelnya ternyata gatel beneran yah? kirain...
sumpah aku kebingunan cari gimana cara drop comment hahaa, ampe baca nya dengan teliti,
btw salam kenal yah
hobi nonton selermun ya? masih inget trnyata ama usagi.
Haha, itu si bosnya polos amat ! :D
mazhi : ya iyalah gatel beneran. emang gatel apaan??
pilote : lam knal jg
alviss : tak terlewatkan en TAK MAU MELEWATKAN 1 eps nya pun
ade : aq jg polos kok
warnet na 1 jam berapa? xD
Waduw..Da cita2 masuk sastra?? (secara gw anak sastra yg paling ga bisa pelajaran sastra)
Lam kenal yawh..
Salam pramuka! (loh?)
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