AKHHHHHHHH!!!!!! GILAAA!!!!!! GW DAH GAK WARAS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Gimana nih? Minggu depan udah tgl 31 agustus. Kok novel gw belum di-print juga?????Gimana cara bikin 83 hlm jadi 100 hlm???
Deddy Corbuzier, tolong aku!!!!!
Demian, bantu aku!!!!!
Deddy Corbuzier, tolong aku!!!!!
Demian, bantu aku!!!!!
Kalo inget waktu gw ke warnet kemarin, rada nyebelin. (Cemberut MODE: ON)
Gw datang kucluk" ke warnet. Ketemu mbak" penjaga warnet.
MPW : Lho? Pagi" gini udah ke warnet? Emang gak sekolah? Sekolahnya libur? Emang SMP mana?
APA ??? SMP ??? Belum pernah dimakan Sumanto ya? Belum pernah dimutilasi Ryan? Mereka tuh anak buah gw tauk!!!!
Kenapa gw dituduh anak SMP? Emang tampang gw gak ada tampang anak kuliah? Atw tampang gw terlalu menyedihkan untuk difitnah sebagai anak SMA??
Gimana seygh?? Fitnah gw sebagai anak SMP lebih kejam daripada memfitnah gw sebagai cewe!!!!!
Gw pentokin kepala mbak" itu ke komputer ampe komputernya meledak. Kepala si mbak kelojotan nembus monitor.
Novel gw !!!!!!!!!! AKHH!!!!!!
Ini novel pertama gw yang mau gw kirim bwt diterbitkan. Ini novel kedua gw yang bukan horror atw thriller.
Gw pengen menghapus imej gw sebagai novelis spesialis horror en thriller yg sudah melekat di mata teman" gw.
Hari Kamis kemarin gw nyewa CD di Ultra Disc deket rumah bwt menghilangkan ke-stres-an (Yg justru setelah nonton malah tambah stres)
Inilah Film" yg gw tonton kemarin:
- Voodoo Lagoon. A group of college students book a bargain dream holiday to a remote tropical island, little knowing that they have been lured there by the island's evil owner to fulfill an ancient voodoo prophecy. Soon, what appears to be paradise is transformed as friends and siblings are pitched against each other in a desperate fight for survival. Doubt, suspicion and panic splinter the group as each member begins to fall victim to the terrifying reality of their own worst nightmares. Can those who are left find the strength to confront and overcome the fear that will otherwise be their end, or will the voodoo curse win out? Intinya : Pemainnya cakep" tapi ceritanya kurang waras !!!!!!!
- Ghost Gate. Film horor Japanese. Cerita tentang rumah hantu yang pernah ada kejadian pembunuhan ruang tertutup di dalamnya. Hingga kini kasus itu tak terungkap. Aki dan keempat temannya sesama klub misteri semasa SMA 5 tahun yang lalu melakukan reuni di rumah itu dan ingin memecahkan kasus yang berharga 5000 yen itu. Satu per satu mati gak wajar en gak jelas. Keberadaan Aki di akhir cerita yang ternyata sudah mati jauh sebelum reuni itu diadakan bikin ceritanya makin aneh. En diperparah lagi dengan adegan Aki bisa ngebunuh en menggantikan setan penunggu rumah tsb. That's silly ending!! Hello? Where's de logic? Temen"na mati aja gitu, gak jelas kenapa. Masih mendingan The Grudge kemana". Gw baru nonton versi barat tapi gw rasa lebih serem The Grudge ah....
- Boogeyman2. It's a horror movie (again??). Boogeyman yg pertama pnah ditayangin di trans tipi tp gw ga nonton. Sbenernya gw rada bingung mw nyewa film ini atw Alien VS Predator2 (AVP 2) : The Requiem. Akhirnya gw maksain nonton Boogey2 padahal yg pertama aja belum nonton. Ceritanya diawali dengan hari ultah seorang gadis 8 tahun bernama Laura yang dirayakan di rumah bersama keluarganya. Laura melihat seseorang tak dikenal membunuh ortunya. Ia pikir itu Boogeyman. Laura mengalami trauma karna kematian ortunya. Kakaknya, Henry pun demikian. Cerita maju 10 tahun ke depan saat Henry sudah keluar dari sebuah klinik institusi khusus menangani orang" yg trauma atw mengalami phobia. Saat Henry pergi ke luar kota untuk interview pekerjaaan, Laura takut ditinggal sendirian en memutuskan masuk klinik tempat Henry dirawat dulu. Dari film ini gw kenal istilah Germofobia. Eits, ini bukan berarti takut sama germo, tapi takut sama kuman (germ), jadi kayak orang yang cinta banget sama kebersihan. Laura dan para penderita fobia lain diteror ketakutan terbesar mereka. Endingnya mengejutkan karna ternyata pembunuh sebenarnya adalah Henry yang masuk ke dalam klinik lewat jalan rahasia. Mengapa Henry jadi pembunuh dan mengaku sebagai Boogeyman? Itu karna ia mengalami treatment yg keliru dalam klinik tsb. Hanya Laura yg berhasil selamat keluar hidup" dari klinik dan ditolong polisi. Namun saat polisi datang, Henry sudah kabur dengan memakaikan kostum Boogeyman ke dokter cewek yang merawat Laura. Teman"nya mati menggenaskan. Ada yang germofobia, mati minum cairan pembersih. Ada yang takut membuka hati untuk dunia luar, mati dibelah dadanya dan diambil hatinya. Ada yang takut gemuk, tewas dgn perut meledak karna diminumkan cairan dari banyak selang ke seluruh tubuhnya. Adegan telanjang dada yang gak disensor bikin gw deg"an takut ortu juga ngeliat bagian itu coz dari tadi ortu gw seliweran terus depan TV. Laknat!!! Katanya udah lulus sensor. Kenapa bagian dada cewek yg gak penting en adegan xXx na gak dihapus sih?? Berikut jenis" phobia yg dikenal :
Takut Air – Hydrophobia,
Takut Agama – Theologicophobia,
Takut Alat Kelamin – Kolpophobia,
Takut Aliran Udara – Aerophobia,
Takut Alkohol – Methyphobia,
Takut Alkohol – Potophobia,
Takut Amnesia – Amnesiphobia,
Takut Anggur – Oenophobia,
Takut Angin – Ancraophobia,
Takut Angka – Arithmophobia,
Takut Angka 13 – Triskaidekaphobia,
Takut Angka 8 – Octophobia,
Takut Anjing – Cynophobia,
Takut Anjing Laut – Lutraphobia,
Takut Anus – Rectophobia,
Takut Api – Arsonphobia,
Takut Api – Pyrophobia,
Takut Awan – Nephophobia,
Takut Ayam – Alektorophobia,
Takut Ayan – Hylephobia,
Takut Badut – Coulrophobia,
Takut Bahan Kimia - Chemophobia,
Takut Bangunan Tinggi – Batophobia,
Takut Banjir – Antlophobia,
Takut Bapak Tiri – Vitricophobia,
Takut Batu Nisan – Placophobia,
Takut Bau Badan – Bromidrosiphobia,
Takut Bau Bauan – Olfactophobia,
Takut Bau Busuk – Autodysomophobia,
Takut Bawa Mobil - Amaxophobia,
Takut Bawang Putih – Alliumphobia,
Takut Bayangan – Sciaphobia,
Takut Bebas – Eleutherophobia,
Takut Belanda – Dutchphobia,
Takut Benang – Linonophobia,
Takut Benda di Sebelah Kanan – Dextrophobia,
Takut Benda di Sebelah Kiri – Levophobia,
Takut Berantakan – Ataxophobia,
Takut Berbicara – Laliophobia,
Takut Bercinta – Malaxophobia,
Takut Bercinta – Sarmassophobia,
Takut Berdosa – Hamartophobia,
Takut Berfikir – Phronemophobia,
Takut Berita Baik – Euphobia,
Takut Berjalan – Stasibasiphobia,
Takut Berjanji – Enissophobia,
Takut Berkotbah – Homilophobia,
Takut Berlarut – Apeirophobia,
Takut Bersenggama – Coitophobia,
Takut Bertanggung Jawab – Hypegiaphobia,
Takut Binatang – Zoophobia.
Takut Binatang Liar – Agrizoophobia,
Takut Binatang Melata – Herpetophobia,
Takut Bintang – Astrophobia,
Takut Bintang – Siderophobia,
Takut Bintang Berekor – Cometophobia,
Takut Bom Atom – Atomosophobia,
Takut Boneka – Pediophobia,
Takut Boneka Bersuara Perut – Automatonophobia,
Takut Bosan – Xerophobia,
Takut Botak – Phalacrophobia,
Takut Buang Air Besar – Rhypophobia,
Takut Buku – Bibliophobia,
Takut Bulan – Selenophobia,
Takut Bulu Ayam – Pteronophobia,
Takut Bunga – Anthophobia,
Takut Bunga Es – Pagophobia,
Takut Bungkuk – Kyphophobia,
Takut Burung – Ornithophobia,
Takut Buta – Scotomaphobia,
Takut Cabut Gigi – Odontophobia,
Takut Cacing – Helminthophobia,
Takut Cacing – Scoleciphobia,
Takut Cacing Pita – Taeniophobia,
Takut Cacing Pita Babi – Trichinophobia,
Takut Cahaya – Photophobia,
Takut Cahaya dari Utara – Auroraphobia,
Takut Caplak – Phthiriophobia,
Takut Cemburu – Zelophobia,
Takut Cermin – Catoptrophobia,
Takut Cina – Sinophobia,
Takut Corak Baru - Cainophobia
Takut Daerah Perbatasan – Claustrophobia,
Takut Daging – Carnophobia,
Takut Dagu – Geniophobia,
Takut Danau – Limnophobia,
Takut Darah – Hemaphobia,
Takut Debu – Amathophobia,
Takut Debu – Koniophobia,
Takut Demam – Febriphobia,
Takut Demam – Fibriophobia,
Takut Demo – Daemonophobia,
Takut dengan Seks – Erotophobia,
Takut Dewa – Zeusophobia,
Takut Di dalam Rumah – Oikophobia,
Takut di Ejek – Katagelophobia,
Takut di Hipnotis – Hynophobia,
Takut Di pandang – Opthalmophobia,
Takut Diabaikan – Athazagoraphobia,
Takut Dibatasi – Merinthophobia,
Takut Dibenci – Melophobia,
Takut Dicekik – Pnigophobia,
Takut Dicuri – Cleptophobia,
Takut Dihukum – Mastigophobia,
Takut Dihukum Berat – Rhabdophobia,
Takut Dikubur Sendirian – Taphephobia,
Takut Diluar Ruangan – Spacephobia,
Takut Dingin – Cheimaphobia,
Takut Dingin – Psychrophobia,
Takut Dinilai Negatif – Socialphobia,
Takut Diracun – Toxicophobia,
Takut Dirampok – Harpaxophobia,
Takut Disentuh – Aphenphosmphobia,
Takut Disentuh - Chiraptophobia,
Takut Disentuh – Haphephobia,
Takut Disuntik – Trypanophobia,
Takut Ditatap – Scopophobia,
Takut Ditertawakan – Catagelophobia,
Takut Ditinggal Sendiri – Eremophobia,
Takut Dokter Gigi – Dentophobia,
Takut Dubur – Proctophobia,
Takut Duduk – Cathisophobia,
Takut Duduk – Taasophobia,
Takut Duduk di Bawah – Kathisophobia,
Takut Emas – Aurophobia,
Takut Es Batu – Cryophobia,
Takut Fenomena Kosmis – Kosmikophobia,
Takut Filosofi – Philosophobia,
Takut Gagal – Atychiphobia,
Takut Gagap – Psellismophobia,
Takut Gatal – Acarophobia,
Takut Gatal – Pellagrophobia,
Takut Gedung Pertunjukan – Theatrophobia,
Takut Gelap – Achluophobia,
Takut Gelap – Lygophobia,
Takut Gelas – Hyelophobia,
Takut Gelombang – Kymophobia,
Takut Gembira – Cherophobia,
Takut Gerakan – Kinetophobia,
Takut Gereja – Ecclesiophobia,
Takut Getaran – Tremophobia,
Takut Gravitasi – Barophobia,
Takut Guntur – Ceraunophobia,
Takut Halloween – Samhainophobia,
Takut Hamil – Tocophobia,
Takut Hantu – Bogyphobia,
Takut Hantu – Phasmophobia,
Takut Hantu – Spectrophobia,
Takut Hujan – Ombrophobia,
Takut Hujan – Pluviophobia,
Takut Hukum – Dikephobia,
Takut Hukuman – Poinephobia,
Takut Hutan – Hylophobia,
Takut Hutan – Xylophobia,
Takut Hutan di Malam Hari – Nyctophobia,
Takut Ibu Tiri – Novercaphobia,
Takut Ide – Ideophobia,
Takut Ide Baru – Cenophobia,
Takut Ikan – Ichthyophobia,
Takut Inggris – Anglophobia,
Takut Insektisida – Entomophobia,
Takut Istilah Latin – Hellenologophobia,
Takut Jadi Gila – Lysssophobia,
Takut Jadi Homoseks – Homophobia,
Takut Jahudi – Judeophobia,
Takut Jalan – Ambulophobia,
Takut Jamur – Mycophobia,
Takut Jarum – Aichmophobia,
Takut Jatuh - Basiphobia
Takut Jatuh Cinta – Philophobia,
Takut Jelek – Cacophobia,
Takut Jembatan Penyeberangan – Gephydrophobia,
Takut Jenggot – Pogonophobia,
Takut Jenis Kelamin Berbeda – Heterophobia,
Takut Jepang – Japanophobia,
Takut Jerman – Germanophobia,
Takut Jerman – Teutophobia,
Takut Jomblo – Anuptaphobia,
Takut Jum’at ke 13 – Paraskavedekatriaphobia,
Takut Kabut – Homichlophobia,
Takut Kacang – Arachibutyrophobia,
Takut Kaget – Hormephobia,
Takut Kain Lap – Vestiphobia,
Takut Kain Satin – Satanophobia,
Takut Kalah – Kakorrhaphiophobia,
Takut Kanker - Carcinophobia,
Takut Kanker – Cancerophobia,
Takut Kata Kata – Logophobia,
Takut Kata Kata – Verbophobia,
Takut Kata Panjang – Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia,
Takut Kata yang Panjang – Sesquipedalophobia,
Takut Katak – Ranidaphobia,
Takut Kaya – Plutophobia,
Takut Ke Sekolah – Didaskaleinophobia,
Takut Kecelakaan – Dystychiphobia,
Takut Kedalaman – Bathophobia,
Takut Kedokter – Iatrophobia,
Takut Kegelapan – Myctophobia,
Takut Kegelapan – Scotophobia,
Takut Kejatuhan Benda – Atephobia,
Takut Kekacauan – Demophobia,
Takut Kelahiran – Parturiphobia,
Takut Kelainan Bentuk – Dysmorphophobia,
Takut Kelamin Wanita – Eurotophobia,
Takut Kemajuan – Prosophobia,
Takut Kembali ke Rumah – Nostophobia,
Takut Kembung – Anginophobia,
Takut Kencing – Urophobia,
Takut Keramaian – Agoraphobia,
Takut Kerang-Kerangan – Ostraconophobia,
Takut Kereta Api – Diderodromophobia,
Takut Keriput – Rhytiphobia,
Takut Kerja Berlebihan – Ponophobia,
Takut Kertas – Papyrophobia,
Takut Kesakitan – Agliophobia,
Takut Ketinggian – Altophobia,
Takut Ketinggian – Hypsiphobia,
Takut Ketularan – Tapinophobia,
Takut Keturunan – Patroiophobia,
Takut Kezaliman – Tyrannophobia,
Takut Kilat – Brontophobia,
Takut Kodok – Bufonophobia,
Takut Komputer – Cyberphobia,
Takut Komputer – Logizomechanophobia,
Takut Kotor – Automysophobia,
Takut Kotoran – Myxophobia,
Takut Kriminal – Peccatophobia,
Takut Kristal – Crystallophobia,
Takut Kuburan – Coimetrophobia,
Takut Kucing – Ailurophobia,
Takut Kucing – Elurophobia,
Takut Kucing – Felinophobia,
Takut Kuda – Equinophobia,
Takut Kuda – Hippophobia,
Takut Kulit Binatang – Doraphobia,
Takut Kuman – Spermatophobia,
Takut Kunci - Chronomentrophobia,
Takut Kutu – Pediculophobia,
Takut Laba Laba – Arachnophobia,
Takut Laki Laki – Androphobia,
Takut Laki Laki – Arrhenophobia,
Takut Lampu Sorot – Selaphobia,
Takut Laut – Thalassophobia,
Takut Lawan Jenis – Sexophobia,
Takut Lebah – Apiphobia,
Takut Lecet – Amychophobia,
Takut Lelah – Kopophobia,
Takut Lembab – Hygrophobia,
Takut Lengket di Langit Mulut – Arachibutyrophobia,
Takut Listrik – Enochlophobia,
Takut Logam – Metallophobia,
Takut Lompat – Catapedaphobia,
Takut Luka – Dematophobia,
Takut Luka – Traumatophobia,
Takut Lumpuh – Poliosophobia,
Takut Lumpur – Blennophobia,
Takut Lutut - Genuphobia,
Takut Mabuk Udara – Aeronausiphobia,
Takut Makan – Phagophobia,
Takut Makan – Sitiophobia,
Takut Makanan - Cibophobia,
Takut Makanan – Sitophobia,
Takut Mal Praktek – Ergasiophobia,
Takut Malam – Noctiphobia,
Takut Maling – Scelerophobia,
Takut Mandek – Ankylophobia,
Takut Mandi - Ablutophobia,
Takut Marah – Angrophobia,
Takut Masak – Mageirocophobia,
Takut Mata Kabur – Diplophobia,
Takut Mata Mata – Ommatophobia,
Takut Matahari – Heliophobia,
Takut Matahari - Phengophobia,
Takut Mati – Necrophobia,
Takut Mati – Thantophobia,
Takut Melahirkan – Lockiophobia,
Takut Melahirkan – Maieusiophobia,
Takut Melarat - Peniaphobia
Takut Melihat Massa – Ochlophobia,
Takut Membelakangi – Dishabiliophobia,
Takut Membuat Keputusan – Decidophobia,
Takut Membuat Perubahan – Tropophobia,
Takut Membuka Satu Mata – Optophobia,
Takut Membusuk – Seplophobia,
Takut Menari - Chorophobia,
Takut Mencium – Philemaphobia,
Takut Mendengar Kata Tertentu – Onomatophobia,
Takut Menderita – Panthophobia,
Takut Menganggur – Domatophobia,
Takut Mengingat – Mnemophobia,
Takut Menikah – Gamophobia,
Takut Menjadi Sakit – Nosemaphobia,
Takut Menstruasi – Monophobia,
Takut Menua – Gerascophobia,
Takut Menulis di Papan – Scriptophobia,
Takut Menunggu Lama – Macrophobia,
Takut Menyeberang – Agyrophobia,
Takut Menyeberang Jalan – Dromophobia,
Takut Merasa Nyaman – Hedonophobia,
Takut Mertua – Pentheraphobia,
Takut Mertua – Soceraphobia,
Takut Mesin – Mechanophobia,
Takut Meteor – Meterorophobia,
Takut Mikroba – Bacillophobia,
Takut Mikroba – Microbiophobia,
Takut Milik – Orthophobia,
Takut Mimisan – Epistaxiophobia,
Takut Mimpi – Oneirophobia,
Takut Mimpi Basah – Oneirogmophobia,
Takut Minum Obat – Pharmacophobia,
Takut Minuman – Dipsophobia,
Takut Mitos – Mythophobia,
Takut Mobil – Motorphobia,
Takut Monster – Teratophobia,
Takut Mukanya Merah – Ereuthophobia,
Takut Mulut Kejang – Tetanophobia,
Takut Muntahan – Emetophobia,
Takut Naik Mobil – Ochophobia,
Takut Naik Pesawat – Aerophobia,
Takut Naik Pesawat – Aviophobia,
Takut Nama Nama – Namatophobia,
Takut Neraka – Hadephobia,
Takut Neraka – Stigiophobia,
Takut Ngaca – Eisoptrophobia,
Takut Ngaceng – Ithypallophobia,
Takut Ngebut – Tachophobia,
Takut Ngengat – Mottophobia,
Takut Noda – Rupophobia,
Takut Nomer – Numerophobia,
Takut Nyeri – Algophobia,
Takut Nyeri – Odynephobia,
Takut Obat Baru – Neopharmaphobia,
Takut Ombak – Cymophobia,
Takut Operasi – Tomophobia,
Takut Orang Asing – Xenophobia,
Takut Orang Asing – Xenophobia,
Takut Orang Botak – Peladophobia,
Takut Orang Buntung - Apotemnophobia,
Takut Orang Suci – Hagiophobia,
Takut Otot Gerak Sendiri – Ataxiophobia,
Takut Panas – Thermophobia,
Takut Parasit – Parasitophobia,
Takut Paus – Papaphobia,
Takut Pelecehan Seksual – Agraphobia,
Takut Pelecehan Seksual – Contreltophobia,
Takut Peluru – Ballistophobia,
Takut Pembicaraan Dinner – Deipnophobia,
Takut Pemerkosa – Virginitiphobia,
Takut Pendapat – Allodoxaphobia,
Takut Pendeta – Hierophobia,
Takut Pengemis – Hobophobia,
Takut Pengetahuan – Epistemphobia,
Takut Pengetahuan – Gnosiophobia,
Takut Penis – Phallophobia,
Takut Penis Berdiri – Medorthophobia,
Takut Penis Loyo – Medomalacuphobia,
Takut Penyakit – Pathophobia,
Takut Penyimpangan Seks – Paraphobia,
Takut Peralatan Listrik – Electrophobia,
Takut Perancis – Francophobia,
Takut Perjalanan – Hodophobia,
Takut Perkara Hukum – Liticaphobia,
Takut Perubahan – Metathesiophobia,
Takut Petir – Astrapophobia,
Takut Pikiran – Psychophobia,
Takut Pin – Balenephobia,
Takut Pin – Enetophobia,
Takut Pingsan – Ashenophobia,
Takut Pohon – Dendrophobia,
Takut Politikus – Politicophobia,
Takut Pria – Hominophobia,
Takut Puisi – Mertophobia,
Takut Pusaran Air – Dinophobia,
Takut Rabies – Hydrophobophobia,
Takut Rabies – Kynophobia,
Takut Racun – Iophobia,
Takut Racun - Toxiphobia
Takut Rambut – Chaetophobia,
Takut Rambut – Trichopathophobia,
Takut Rasa – Geumaphobia,
Takut Rayap – Isopterophobia,
Takut Reptil - Batrachophobia,
Takut Reptil – Herpetophobia,
Takut Ruang Kosong – Cenophobia,
Takut Ruangan – Koinoniphobia,
Takut Ruangan Kosong – Kenophobia,
Takut Rumah – Ecophobia,
Takut Rumah Sakit – Nosocomephobia,
Takut Rusia – Russophobia,
Takut Sakit Demam – Pyrexiophobia,
Takut Sakit Diabetes – Diabetophobia,
Takut Sakit Ginjal – Albuminurophobia,
Takut Sakit Jantung – Cardiophobia,
Takut Sakit Jiwa – Dementophobia,
Takut Sakit Jiwa – Maniaphobia,
Takut Sakit Kelamin – Cyprianophobia,
Takut Sakit Kolera - Cholerophobia,
Takut Sakit Kulit – Dermatophathophobia,
Takut Sakit Kusta – Leprophobia,
Takut Sakit Otak – Meningitiophobia,
Takut Sakit Syphilis – Syphilophobia,
Takut Sakit Syphillis – Luiphobia,
Takut Salib – Staurophobia,
Takut Salju – Chionophobia,
Takut Sama Gadis – Parthenophobia,
Takut Sapi Jantan – Taurophobia,
Takut Saudara – Syngenesophobia,
Takut Sayuran – Lachanophobia,
Takut Segala Sesuatu – Polyphobia,
Takut Segalanya – Panophobia,
Takut Sekitar Rumah – Eicophobia,
Takut Sekitar Rumah – Oikophobia,
Takut Sekolah – Scoionophobia,
Takut Seks – Genophobia,
Takut Semangat – Pneumatiphobia,
Takut Semut – Myrmecophobia,
Takut Sendiri – Isolophobia,
Takut Sendirian – Autophobia,
Takut Sendirian – Monophobia,
Takut Senjata Api – Hoplophobia,
Takut Senjata Nuklir – Nucleomituphobia,
Takut Sepeda – Cyclophobia,
Takut Serangga – Epistaxiophobia,
Takut Serangga – Insectophobia,
Takut Seruling – Aulophobia,
Takut Sesuatu dari Kiri – Sinistrophobia,
Takut Sesuatu yang Baru – Kainolophobia,
Takut Sesuatu yang Baru – Neophobia,
Takut Sesuatu yang Besar – Megalophobia,
Takut Sesuatu yang Kecil – Microphobia,
Takut Silau – Photoaugliaphobia,
Takut Simbol – Symbolophobia,
Takut Simetris – Symmetrophobia,
Takut Sinar X – Radiophobia,
Takut Situasi yang Menakutkan – Counterphobia,
Takut Skabies – Scabiophobia,
Takut Suara – Acousticophobia,
Takut Suara Keras – Ligyrophobia,
Takut Suara Telpon – Phonophobia,
Takut Subuh – Eosophobia,
Takut Sungai – Potamophobia,
Takut Surga – Ouranophobia,
Takut Surga – Uranophobia,
Takut Susah Be’ol – Coprastasophobia,
Takut Tabuhan – Spheksophobia,
Takut Tai – Coprophobia,
Takut Takut Anak Anak – Pedophobia,
Takut Tali – Cnidophobia,
Takut Tambah Berat – Obesophobia,
Takut Tambah Berat – Pocrescophobia,
Takut Tanaman – Batonophobia,
Takut Tangga – Climacophobia,
Takut Tanggung Jawab – Paralipophobia,
Takut Tantangan – Heresyphobia,
Takut Tawon – Melissophobia,
Takut TBC – Phthisiophobia,
Takut TBC – Tuberculophobia,
Takut Tebing – Cremnophobia,
Takut Teknologi – Technophobia,
Takut Tekstur Tertentu – Textophobia,
Takut Telanjang – Gymnophobia,
Takut Telanjang – Nudophobia,
Takut Telpon – Telephophobia,
Takut Tempat Sempit – Stenophobia,
Takut Tempat Terbuka – Agoraphobia,
Takut Tempat Tertentu – Topophobia,
Takut Tempat Tertutup – Claustrophobia,
Takut Tempat Tinggi Terbuka – Aeroacrophobia,
Takut Terbahak – Geliophobia,
Takut Terbang – Pteromerhanophobia,
Takut Tergantung pada Orang – Soteriophobia,
Takut Terkontaminasi Debu – Misophobia,
Takut Terkunci – Cleisiophobia,
Takut Tidak Sempurna – Atelophobia,
Takut Tidak Simetris – Asymmetriphobia,
Takut Tidur – Clinophobia,
Takut Tidur – Somniphobia,
Takut Tikus – Murophobia,
Takut Tikus – Suriphobia,
Takut Tikus Besar – Zemmiphobia,
Takut Tornado – Lilapsophobia,
Takut Tuhan – Theophobia,
Takut Tulisan Tangan – Graphophobia,
Takut Tuma – Verminophobia,
Takut Uang - Chrematophobia,
Takut Ujian – Tertaphobia,
Takut Ular – Ophidiophobia,
Takut Ular – Snakephobia,
Takut Upacara Seremonial – Teleophobia,
Takut Vaksinasi – Vaccinophobia,
Takut Vertigo – Illyngophobia,
Takut Waktu - Chronophobia,
Takut Wangi-Wangian – Osphesiophobia,
Takut Wanita – Gynephobia,
Takut Wanita Cantik – Caligynephobia,
Takut Wanita Cantik – Venustraphobia,
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The general difficulties of women's and men's style
Both men and women may feel the pressures of keeping their clothing up-to-date and in time, yet men's style frequently seems a lot simpler. Of program, for both sexes, costumes and style choices can be equally as complicated, and there are numerous'stylish'things that could rapidly become fashion faux pas - who are able to say they frequently see people travelling in 70s flares? On the other side, men's fashion has a few choice items which will exist forever - which man is planning to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Select traditional pieces, colors and fabrics and you'll never look out-of-place.
Why common men's style is amazing
The basic man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many kinds for various functions, but they are all popular in their pursuit of a clever, sharp try to find the wearer. The neat thing about classic fashion for men is that it is effectively trendy simply neat. A well-groomed lady can more often than not look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such apparel. A match will be utilized to work in several professions due to the professional look it affords to the wearer, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a suit will undoubtedly be used to several social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This amazing versatility which allows matches to be utilized in just about all functions is what gives it its classic advantage and a permanent place in men's fashion.
Contemporary trends in traditional men's style
Although basic men's styles can never be changed, it's interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have produced certain classic clothes back to fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, particularly, has brought back a wide-variety of basic styles into men's closets, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress in a classic yet expensive way, placing importance on appearance and working in a refined method. This development for nearly'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', wherever men and girls of all ages dress yourself in particularly Victorian-style attire and take to the streets on vintage cycles - with many of the men wearing impressive mustaches! This really is only one of several types of proof showing the revival of such styles. Additionally, there are numerous blogs online which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to giving articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, whilst specific facets of traditional men's fashion can be brought back as new trends, the simple clothes which they are derived from will never fall out of fashion.
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